Inspiration for change

About the project

The project Education for Improving the Human Rights Situation of People with Mental Health Issues is implemented by the Centre for  Mental Health Care Development in cooperation with the University Hospitals Ostrava and Plzeň, the Psychiatric Hospitals Bohnice, Horní Beřkovice and Jihlava and the Central Military Hospital in Prague. The project partner is the University of South-Eastern Norway.

The aim is to strengthen a supportive and safe environment and to prevent and manage conflict in psychiatric care units.

It includes training for the staff of the cooperating inpatient facilities in the form of an internship abroad and specific seminars, as well as the creation of training modules that will offer an introduction to the Safewards model and training in de-escalation techniques and will be available to other professionals within psychiatric care. The project also focuses on implementing changes related to the project’s objective and on setting up uniform recording and monitoring of the use of restraints and regimes in specific wards.

On this website we offer you outputs, experiences and information from the project.

Supported by EEA and Norway Grants.


project manager
T: +420 778 502 171